Saturday, November 13, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nothing quite like a long weekend. A visit to the museum in Lille. The Beaux Arts is really a curator's dream. Vast spaces and a varied collection to mix and match. Clearly they have fun hanging pictures in ways that make each room like a game of 'spot the similarities'. Some of the connections between various pieces in a room are a bit oblique. (I think one room was just linked by various artists rendering of cloth.) Other times, like this copy of a Jordeans painting by Vangogh, its a bit more obvious.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This one was a birthday present for our friend Alison Endenberg, who has treated me for hayfever with homeopathy and it works! I'm a walking (and breathing) testimonial. She's setting up an office on Harley Street with a few others, but they'll still make house calls in Sevenoaks. The brief was 'medical but friendly and balance'.
Thanks to my super talented sister in law Viv Tubiana, who helped with making a slick vector helix person on the week that my laptop hard drive bit the dust and left me adobeless. Thanks Viv.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gingerbread cake made with ginger, of course. Cinnamon. Yup, makes sense. But mustard?!! Pepper?!!?? Espresso?! What the heck? Did that really say mustard? Yes, yes it did.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

So... in other news, I'm working in France at the moment.
Imagine this happening in my hack French and his equally unintelligible English. So, who knows, this conversation may never have actually happened. But it's how it seemed at the time.
I go in to an estate agent in Lille and tell the guy that I'd like to view one of the flats in his window - after laughing at me and saying that I can not live in his window, I ask if I could meet at the flat to view it, say next Thursday at noon. And he says, "but I eat lunch in my lunch hour which is from noon to 2pm" So I say, "so do I, but its when I have time to see a flat." And he says "how about 2pm?" And I say "I have to be at work by 2pm". And he says "so do I." And then he says, "Don't make me work during lunch hour and I won't make you look at a flat during lunch. Nobody on earth should do anything during lunch but eat lunch. French people eat lunch at lunch. We do not work at lunchtime, we work at work time!!" And I said, "Ah but what about the people who work in restaurants serving you?" and he said, "You are not fluent enough in my language to make such clever retorts you stupid English speaking swine, and that none of the people who work in restaurants will be able to show you a flat, so there!"
And in words I didn't understand, but in gestures that I'm fluent in, he essentially told me that lunch hour is a sacred two hours of the day and that I needed to get my priorities right.
And then I realised, with food this good all around ... I suddenly saw his point and found myself respecting the lunch 'hour'. But still, two hours? Every day? In my next life, I'm coming back as an estate agent in France.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I've decided to kick start the blog again. Try to share some fun stuff, general musings and the occasional doodle. Life in animation is never dull. Sure it may seem that way, because it's all at 24 frames per second and takes so long,... but actually it's because we all sign NDA's and can't discuss much.