And yet, somehow people have a way of putting up their obsessions onto the internet and sharing them with other obsessives. And those people, those hardcore people like the thing so much that they spend time drawing images that well... that reflect their own fantasies about the characters on the show. I love this and happily endorse it. Even if it was a kids show. Lets face it, if you're going to fall in love with a cartoon character, it's your god given right to ponder what she or indeed he looks like with less clothes on.
Alan Gilbey found these when searching for images for a powerpoint presentation. You see, we developed the show with Graham Ralph and even we don't have images handy. The show is that lost. Still, it's nice to see it lives on ...and uh, erm, hit puberty.
Bounty Hamster is amazing!! It will always live on no matter how strange!! I Hope one day Cassie will find her father!! This show would have been big if it hadn't been cancelled!! Damn those who did!!
Is that HellaHellaStyle??
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